Parrot Security OS: Guide for Ethical Hackers and Security Professionals

Parrot Security OS is a powerful Debian-based Linux distribution designed for cybersecurity professionals, ethical hackers, and privacy-conscious users. Offering a comprehensive suite of security, penetration testing, and privacy tools in a lightweight yet robust environment, Parrot OS has become one of the leading security-focused operating systems. This guide explores Parrot Security OS in detail, covering its features, installation, usage, and advantages over similar distributions.


In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, having the right tools at your disposal is crucial. Parrot Security OS provides security professionals with a complete, portable laboratory for a wide range of security tasks—from penetration testing and vulnerability assessment to computer forensics and anonymous browsing.

Developed by Frozenbox Network, Parrot OS combines a curated collection of security tools with cutting-edge privacy features, all built on a solid foundation of Debian testing branch. This ensures a stable yet current environment with the latest security technologies.

Key Features of Parrot Security OS

1. Comprehensive Security Toolkit

Parrot Security OS comes packed with hundreds of built-in tools for various security tasks:

  • Information Gathering Tools: Nmap, Maltego, Recon-ng, theHarvester
  • Vulnerability Assessment: OpenVAS, Lynis, Nikto, WPScan
  • Web Application Analysis: Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, SQLmap
  • Database Assessment: SQLmap, NoSQLMap
  • Password Attacks: Hydra, John the Ripper, Hashcat
  • Wireless Attacks: Aircrack-ng, Wifite, Kismet
  • Digital Forensics: Autopsy, Foremost, Binwalk, Scalpel
  • Exploitation Tools: Metasploit Framework, Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)
  • Reverse Engineering: Radare2, GDB, IDA Free
  • Cryptography Tools: TrueCrypt, VeraCrypt, HashID

2. Privacy-Oriented Features

Parrot OS places a strong emphasis on privacy and anonymity:

  • AnonSurf: Built-in tool for anonymous browsing via Tor network
  • Encrypted DNS: Configured to use privacy-respecting DNS servers
  • Firewall Protections: Pre-configured firewall rules for enhanced security
  • Privacy-Focused Applications: Includes tools like OnionShare, KeePassXC
  • Secure Communication: Built-in encrypted chat and email applications

3. Lightweight and Efficient

Despite its powerful toolset, Parrot OS maintains remarkable efficiency:

  • Resource Efficiency: Runs smoothly on older hardware (minimum 2GB RAM)
  • MATE Desktop: Lightweight desktop environment for optimal performance
  • Optimized Kernel: Custom-tuned Linux kernel for performance and security
  • Low Memory Footprint: Typically uses 500MB RAM when idle

4. Flexible Editions

Parrot offers several editions tailored to different needs:

  • Security Edition: Full-featured penetration testing and security assessment platform
  • Home Edition: Privacy-focused daily driver without penetration testing tools
  • IoT/Embedded Edition: Specialized for IoT security testing and research
  • Cloud Edition: Optimized for cloud environments and virtual machines
  • STEM Edition: Customized for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Installation Guide

System Requirements

Before installing Parrot OS, ensure your system meets these minimum requirements:

  • Processor: 64-bit CPU (dual-core recommended)
  • RAM: 2GB (4GB or more recommended for Security Edition)
  • Storage: 20GB free space (32GB+ recommended)
  • Graphics: Basic GPU capable of 1024x768 resolution
  • Network: Internet connection for updates and tool functionality

Installation Methods

Method 1: Full Installation

  1. Download: Obtain the latest ISO from Parrot Security's official website
  2. Create Bootable Media: Use tools like Rufus (Windows) or dd (Linux) to create a bootable USB drive:
    # On Linux
    sudo dd if=parrot-security-4.x.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress
  3. Boot from USB: Restart your computer and boot from the USB drive
  4. Start Installation: Click the "Install Parrot" icon on the desktop
  5. Follow the Installer: The Calamares installer will guide you through:
    • Language selection
    • Location settings
    • Keyboard layout
    • Partitioning (you can choose automatic or manual)
    • User account creation
    • Installation confirmation
  6. Complete Installation: After installation completes, restart your system and remove the USB drive

Method 2: Virtual Machine Installation

For testing or isolated environments, install Parrot OS in a virtual machine:

  1. Download ISO: Get the Parrot Security ISO file
  2. Create VM: In VirtualBox or VMware:
    • Create a new VM with "Debian 64-bit" as the type
    • Allocate at least 2GB RAM (4GB recommended)
    • Create a virtual hard disk (minimum 20GB)
    • Mount the ISO file as a virtual optical disk
  3. Start the VM: Boot the virtual machine and follow the normal installation process
  4. Install Guest Additions: For better performance in VirtualBox:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11

Method 3: Dual Boot

To install alongside an existing operating system:

  1. Back up all important data before proceeding
  2. Create free space by shrinking existing partitions using GParted or Disk Management
  3. Follow the full installation procedure, but choose "Install alongside" or manually create partitions in the free space
  4. The GRUB bootloader will automatically configure dual-boot options

Post-Installation Setup

System Update

After installation, update your system to ensure you have the latest tools and security patches:

# Update package lists
sudo parrot-upgrade

# Alternative method
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade

Tool Organization

Parrot Security OS organizes its tools in the Applications menu under categories:

  1. Navigate to Applications → Pentesting to see tools organized by function
  2. Familiarize yourself with the tool categories and locations
  3. Use the search function (Alt+F2) to quickly find specific tools

Configuring AnonSurf

Set up anonymous browsing with AnonSurf:

# Start AnonSurf (routes traffic through Tor)
sudo anonsurf start

# Check status
sudo anonsurf status

# Stop anonymous browsing
sudo anonsurf stop

# Change your identity (get new Tor circuit)
sudo anonsurf change

Working with Parrot Security Tools

Information Gathering

Before any security assessment, gathering information is crucial. Parrot includes powerful reconnaissance tools:

Network Scanning with Nmap

# Basic scan
nmap target_ip

# Comprehensive scan
nmap -sS -sV -sC -A -O -p- target_ip

# Scan with output to file
nmap -sS -sV -oA scan_results target_ip

Web Reconnaissance

# Scan website for vulnerabilities
nikto -h

# Directory discovery

# CMS scanning
wpscan --url

Vulnerability Assessment

Identify security weaknesses using Parrot's vulnerability scanners:

OpenVAS Setup and Usage

# Install OpenVAS if not already installed
sudo apt install openvas

# Set up OpenVAS
sudo openvas-setup

# Start OpenVAS services
sudo openvas-start

# Access web interface at https://localhost:9392
# Default credentials: admin/admin

Wireless Network Testing

Test WiFi security with Parrot's wireless tools:

Aircrack-ng Suite

# Put wireless interface in monitor mode
sudo airmon-ng start wlan0

# Scan for wireless networks
sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon

# Capture handshake (replace with actual BSSID, channel, and filename)
sudo airodump-ng -c [channel] --bssid [BSSID] -w [filename] wlan0mon

# Crack captured handshake
sudo aircrack-ng -w wordlist.txt [filename]-01.cap

Exploitation Frameworks

Parrot includes powerful exploitation tools for authorized penetration testing:

Metasploit Framework

# Start Metasploit
sudo msfconsole

# Basic usage example
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST your_ip
set LPORT 4444

Digital Forensics

Perform forensic analysis with specialized tools:

Creating Disk Images

# Create forensic image
sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=disk_image.dd bs=4M status=progress

# Mount image for analysis (read-only)
sudo mkdir /mnt/evidence
sudo mount -o ro,loop disk_image.dd /mnt/evidence

File Recovery

# Recover deleted files
sudo foremost -i disk_image.dd -o recovered_files

Parrot Security OS vs. Alternatives

Parrot OS vs. Kali Linux

While both are security-focused distributions, they differ in several aspects:

Feature Parrot Security OS Kali Linux
Base Distribution Debian Testing Debian Stable
Resource Requirements Lower (2GB RAM minimum) Higher (4GB RAM recommended)
Default Desktop MATE Xfce
Privacy Features Strong focus (AnonSurf, etc.) Limited
Tool Selection Security + Utility + Privacy Primarily Security-focused
Daily Usability Better suited for everyday use Primarily designed for pentesting

Parrot OS vs. BlackArch

Another comparison with BlackArch Linux:

Feature Parrot Security OS BlackArch Linux
Base Distribution Debian Testing Arch Linux
Tool Count ~600 tools ~2300+ tools
Learning Curve Moderate Steep (Arch-based)
Update Cycle Rolling with stability focus Bleeding-edge rolling
Desktop Experience Polished MATE experience Multiple window managers

Troubleshooting Section

Common Issues and Solutions

1. WiFi Driver Issues

Problem: Wireless adapter not working or not showing in interface list.

Solution: Install additional drivers:

# Check recognized hardware
lspci | grep -i network

# Update and install firmware packages
sudo apt update
sudo apt install firmware-realtek firmware-atheros firmware-iwlwifi

# For specialized adapters like Alfa
sudo apt install realtek-rtl88xxau-dkms

2. Repository Update Failures

Problem: Unable to update repositories or packages.

Solution: Fix repository issues:

# Reset the repository list
sudo parrot-mirror-selector

# Manually update sources list if needed
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/parrot.list

# Fix potential issues with keys
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys KEY_ID

3. Graphics Driver Problems

Problem: Display issues, poor performance, or screen tearing.

Solution: Install appropriate drivers:

sudo apt install nvidia-driver

# For AMD GPUs
sudo apt install firmware-amd-graphics

# If experiencing issues with Nouveau
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
# Add: blacklist nouveau
# Then: sudo update-initramfs -u

4. AnonSurf Not Working

Problem: AnonSurf fails to start or establish Tor connection.

Solution: Troubleshoot Tor and AnonSurf:

# Reinstall AnonSurf and Tor
sudo apt install --reinstall anonsurf tor

# Check if Tor is running
sudo systemctl status tor

# Remove and recreate the Tor state directory
sudo systemctl stop tor
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/tor/state
sudo systemctl start tor

# Try starting AnonSurf again
sudo anonsurf start

Best Practices & Optimization Tips

Security Enhancements

  • Keep Updated: Regularly run sudo parrot-upgrade to maintain security
  • Full Disk Encryption: Use LUKS encryption during installation
  • Secure Boot Configuration: Set up password protection for GRUB
  • Firewall: Configure UFW for additional network protection:
    sudo ufw enable
    sudo ufw status verbose
  • User Permissions: Create a non-root user for daily tasks

Performance Optimization

  • Disable Unnecessary Services: Remove unused services:
    sudo systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled
    sudo systemctl disable service_name
  • Clean Package Cache: Free up disk space:
    sudo apt clean
    sudo apt autoclean
  • Manage Startup Applications: Remove unnecessary startup programs
  • Adjust Swappiness: For better performance:
    echo 'vm.swappiness=10' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
    sudo sysctl -p

Advanced Use Cases

Customizing Parrot Security OS

Make Parrot your own with these customization options:

Creating Custom Tool Collections

# Create a custom menu folder
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications/custom-tools

# Create a launcher for your custom script
nano ~/.local/share/applications/custom-tools/my-tool.desktop

# Add content like:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=My Custom Tool
Comment=Description of tool

Building a Portable Pentesting Environment

Create a persistent USB installation:

  1. Use a USB drive with at least 16GB capacity
  2. Download the Parrot Security ISO
  3. Use a tool like Rufus (Windows) or Startup Disk Creator (Linux) with persistence option
  4. Allocate space for persistence (4GB+ recommended)
  5. Boot from the USB and configure as needed

Professional Security Workflows

Building a Penetration Testing Methodology

Establish a structured approach using Parrot's tools:

  1. Reconnaissance: Information gathering with Nmap, Maltego, etc.
  2. Scanning: Vulnerability assessment with Nessus, OpenVAS
  3. Exploitation: Targeted exploitation based on findings using Metasploit
  4. Post-Exploitation: Privilege escalation, lateral movement
  5. Documentation: Comprehensive reporting using built-in tools

Automating Security Tasks

Create scripts to automate routine security checks:

# - Basic automated reconnaissance

output_dir="recon_$(date +%F)_$target"

mkdir -p $output_dir

echo "[+] Starting reconnaissance on $target"

# Run nmap scan
echo "[+] Running Nmap scans..."
nmap -sS -sV -O $target -oA $output_dir/nmap_scan

# Web enumeration if port 80/443 is open
if grep -q "80/open\|443/open" $output_dir/nmap_scan.nmap; then
    echo "[+] Web ports found, running Nikto..."
    nikto -h $target -o $output_dir/nikto_scan.txt

    echo "[+] Running directory discovery..."
    dirb http://$target -o $output_dir/dirb_results.txt

echo "[+] Reconnaissance complete. Results in $output_dir"


Parrot Security OS stands out as a versatile, efficient, and powerful platform for security professionals, ethical hackers, and privacy-conscious users. Its balanced approach—combining comprehensive security tools with privacy features and system efficiency—makes it suitable for both specialized security tasks and everyday computing.

Whether you're conducting professional penetration tests, learning cybersecurity skills, or simply seeking a more secure and private computing environment, Parrot OS provides the tools and features necessary to achieve your goals. The active community and regular updates ensure that Parrot remains at the cutting edge of security technology.

As with any security-focused distribution, the real power of Parrot Security OS comes not just from its extensive toolkit but from the knowledge and skills of the user. By understanding both the capabilities and limitations of these tools, security professionals can leverage Parrot OS to its full potential in protecting systems and networks against evolving threats.